Rice Krispie Treat Pumpkins #healthyrecipe #dinnerhealthy #ketorecipe #diet #salad

These Rice Krispie Treat pumpkins are ADORABLE! In any case, I have to disclose to you ideal out of the entryway – on the off chance that you make them, your hands will get untidy. Messy. Before I made sense of how to move them appropriately I had gooey Rice Krispie treat blend all over everything. Simply picture me remaining at the counter, attempting to roll a ball, with the exception of rather than it transforming into a ball, it stalled out on my palms and in the middle of the majority of my fingers. Grrrr! I loathe when that occurs!

Try not to stress however, I made sense of how to get it not to stick, so I guarantee you, these aren't that awful on the off chance that you pursue my headings. Be that as it may, I'll concede, I was getting truly baffled before I made sense of it!

So here's the stunt… Every time I moved one of the little balls, I needed to rub the two sides of both of my hands with vegetable oil. A LOT of vegetable oil. I filled a little bowl with around 1/4 cup of vegetable oil, and I essentially dunked my hands in it and scoured it everywhere throughout the fronts and backs of my hands like I'd rub in salve. My hands weren't dribbling or anything, yet they were unquestionably liberally covered. What's more, I needed to cover my hands in oil after each and every pumpkin. So on the off chance that you intend to make these yourself, simply be set up with a little bowl of oil.
Rice Krispie Treat Pumpkins #healthyrecipe #dinnerhealthy #ketorecipe #diet #salad
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  • ¼ cup butter
  • 1 bag large marshmallows (approximately 40 marshmallows)
  • 6 cups Rice Krispies
  • Red & Yellow Liquid Food Coloring
  • Mini Rolos
  • Green M&M's
  • ¼ cup cooking oil in a small bowl (to keep it from sticking to your hands)
  1. In a large pot, melt the butter over low heat.
  2. Add the marshmallows and stir until completely melted and combined with the butter.
  3. Remove from the heat. Add several drops of yellow food colouring, mix it together, then add red food colouring one drop at a time, mixing as you go. Add red/yellow drops until you reach your desired colour. (I used about 4 drops red and 12 drops yellow). Mix well.
  4. Add the Rice Krispies and stir to combine.
  5. Coat both sides of your hands with a generous amount of cooking oil, and roll the Rice Krispie mixture into small balls. Set on parchment paper. Add oil to your hands after each ball.
  6. While the balls are still warm, gently press a Mini Rolo into the top of each pumpkin for the stem and add a green M&M beside it as the leaf. (Tip: If the pumpkins cool before you're finished, use the end of a thick marker or apple corer to make a small indent in the top for the chocolate to sit in.)
  7. Allow to cool until firm.
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Source : bit.ly/2IvjGZA

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